The rainforest is a rich realm of sounds, aromas, and magical colors. When you walk into a dark green pathway, you realize that you are stepping into a different domain, where life is the norm to follow—nothing else. Feel life, and you will know that you are feeling a rainforest.
Birds, seedlings, fruits, and new sprouts all happen under the jungle’s canopy. And a great chance to see it and stay, as long as you want to experience this abundance, is to go for the hanging bridges. However, in this magnificent dimension, royalty lives on the top.
Walk slow on hanging bridges
I learned walking with tourists that the slower you are, the more you see and enjoy. So yes, expect to be there for at least 2 hours and see the details; the beauty lies in the small creatures, the tiny baby plants, and the amazing shapes of tiny flowers and fruits. The awe comes in the whole picture, the huge buttress roots, the jump of a monkey, or the iridescent flight of a Resplendent Quetzal
Use all your senses
Well, maybe not taste, unless you are with an expert in the forest that knows what to test and what may be toxic. But eyes, ears, nose, and touch must be open and ready to breathe in this magnificence. Be prepared for the sweet aroma of a white orchid (That produces the smell to attract night pollinators). Or the musky trace of a wild cat. Remember, life doesn’t limit itself! Highly recommend not to limit it to you!
Go well equipped
Repellent and sunscreen. Take your bottle of water and maybe an energy bar. Don’t let any small pinches distract you from the beauty around you.
Go with a naturalist
The rainforest does not touch your soul. However, when you go with someone who knows and loves the forest, the life system bursts into an explosion of connections, communication, symbiotic relations, and parallelisms that will make you shiver in awe.
Afraid of heights?
They are made of solid metal. There are no worries about safety. Do they move? Yes, if people are jumping or so on. My advice is to talk to your guide and let them guide you through or let you pass before anyone else. But do it anyway! You won’t regret it!