Gallo Pinto, the most emblematic meal of Costa Rica, is one of the world’s healthiest breakfasts.
According to Mike Dunphy, a culinary author who writes for the online edition of the respected Time magazine, breakfast in Costa Rica deserves to be on a list that healthy morning meals from countries such as Turkey, Israel, Japan, Iceland, and others.
On the top ten list of international healthy breakfasts, gallo pinto is ranked number six, just below Egypt’s Fūl Medames, which dates back to Pharaonic times, and above Iceland’s Hafragrautur, a hearty oatmeal porridge.
Would you like to come and try Gallo Pinto? Click here to request a quote from the country’s best travel agency!
This is how Mr. Dunphy describes gallo pinto:
Black beans—and the heavy amounts of iron, zinc, potassium, thiamin, and folate inside—play a central role in breakfast here.
Mixed with rice, spiced with cumin, pepper, and garlic, Gallo Pinto often comes with eggs on the side and a host of vitamin-rich tropical fruits like mango, pineapple, papaya, and plantains.
The breakfast might have a lot to do with Costa Rica’s “Blue Zone” designation, given to countries with long-living populations.
The healthiest breakfast on the list comes from Turkey, and it sounds freshly delicious: olives, fresh cheese, tomato, cucumbers, garlic sausage, and pastries.
Shakshouka from Israel is second on the list, and it is described as eggs poached in a tomato and vegetable sauce and combined with a fresh salad made with tomato, onion, parsley, peppers, and cucumbers. The healthiest breakfasts in the Far East come from Japan, Malaysia, and Vietnam.
As previously reported by The Costa Rica Star, anthropologists believe that gallo pinto originated from rice and peas, a traditional Afro-Caribbean meal that was brought to our country by Jamaican railroad workers.
Whenever you travel through Costa Rica you will find it in the hotels and restaurants everywhere. Try it with Lizano sauce and delight in a myriad of flavors!
Source: The Costa Rica Star